Kings bridge far cry 4
Kings bridge far cry 4

After he gets betrayed by the commander - I start the "cover" and Willis is dying almost instantly. I have only one mission left in the south - and that is the Willis mission.

kings bridge far cry 4

I've had to do two missions for them to get one square of mission progress to display on my progress page. I watch mine VERY closely and there have been several times I've completed missions for Y & R, Longinus, and Willis, and that completed mission hasn't been updated/displayed on the progress page until after I completed the next mission for them. Knowing which missions you've completed by name, and being able to compare that against a mission progression tree would let people know if something is broken in game, and blocking their progress, or if they've missed performing a necessary mission to progress.īeyond that I'm quite doubtful the progress page always updates properly after each mission is completed. All you know is how many of a particular category of mission you've completed.kinda useless without the name of each one being displayed. Just showing us a graphic representation of game/mission progress on the in game progress page isn't very helpful at all. It would be nice if Ubi would update their game manual with a list of missions by name, where/when to find them, mission progression trees, and so on. In FC3 you HAD TO see willis to get a ride to the lower island and couldnt get there otherwise. Of course it would be nice if the the game told you the next necessary mission like FC3 did. You have to do the "W" willis missions before you'll get the opportunity to see Amita and do the chemical truck thru the north brige mission (allowing you access to the north). It seemed that I couldn't proceed to the north section after taking all towers and forts but.ĭo the Y yogi and regie mission and go to shangrila, that seems to open the Willis Huntley missions.

kings bridge far cry 4

I would appreciate any help, playing on PC, it's not a pirated game. Looked online at some gameplay videos but cannot see a mission called 'A key to the north'. I just can't find a way to cross the King's Bridge to get to the northern part of the map. I have completed just about everything on the southern part of the map, taken over all outposts (even both forts), no missions left. First time posting a thread, please go easy on me.

Kings bridge far cry 4