Please share with us if you know any other generic key for Windows 10, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 operating system. If you think that this Windows guide helped you to get Generic Key for installing Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 then feel free to share your view with us through comments. If you want to uninstall or deactivate Windows product key and activate that Windows license key on another computer then this guide »» How to Deactivate Windows Product Key and Use on Another Computer Transferring Windows product key from one computer to another computer is also a very simple task for Windows Users. In order to activate your installed OS, you will have to replace the generic product key by the licensed product key (genuine key purchased from Microsoft). Once again we would like to remind you, these above mentioned Generic keys will only install Windows operating system for evaluation on virtual machine. I hope you found this article useful for you.