On the campaign side of things, Rakarth should aim to capture Albion quickly. He is a support character who makes beasts stronger. Rakarth is not bad in melee combat, but he’s no Grimgor or Tyrion. Therefore, it is difficult to protect his more vulnerable units, such as the bolt throwers, archers, and even Rakarth himself. The local Norscan faction which inhabits the island has a lot of infantry, and Rakarth does not. The beginning of the campaign can be a little rough, especially on harder difficulties.

This is the same for both the Eye of the Vortex and the Mortal Empires campaign. Rakarth begins the game on the mist-shrouded island of Albion. Raiding, fighting, capturing enemy strongholds, and completing quests are all ways to capture monsters. Feral Manticores can be captured by raiding in regions with high chaos corruption. For example, Harpies can be captured after a battle with high casualties (they act as fantasy vultures). Each unit has certain conditions required to capture it. The player can then instantly recruit them into their army, provided they can pay the recruitment fee. That list continues to grow, and it’s definitely making the service an even bigger draw.When Rakarth manages to capture a monstrous unit, they go into his monster pens. Games like Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite represent two of Xbox’s biggest games of the year, and both will both be releasing on Game Pass on day one. Naturally, the announcement has already led to a lot of excitement from subscribers! Whether you prefer Game Pass for console or PC, the service is clearly developing a passionate following, and these day one releases will only help with that fact. Of course, that’s all just speculation, but Game Pass has clearly become a major focus for Microsoft. Earlier this week, Sega and Microsoft announced a “strategic alliance” that will help Sega create “new and innovative titles.” It’s not inconceivable that the closer relationship could lead to more Sega titles on Game Pass, and this could be a result. Total War: Warhammer III is being published by Sega, and that fact is already leading to some speculation online.