The old republic level cap
The old republic level cap

the old republic level cap

More customization options - along with endgame content and quality-of-life improvements - sound just dandy to me. The single in-game image we received shows a Republic trooper swapping between blaster pistols, sniper rifles, and the usual heavy cannon I remember them wielding back in the day. Whereas Force users will be able to do the same with their own peers. By the sound of it, any gun-type character - like Smugglers and Bounty Hunters - will be able to pull elements from similar classes. Players will soon be able to select different “Combat Styles” according to their class. It’s just coming sometime “this Holiday season.” That said, one new feature does sound pretty interesting. Legacy of the Sith doesn’t even have a proper release date yet.

the old republic level cap

So the festivities will run throughout 2022 - adding “new content, events, updates and more.” The anniversary itself won’t be until December. Naturally, with the game’s 10th anniversary coming up, Bioware has also has celebration plans. That also tracks with the one bit of Elom concept art Bioware sent alongside the announcement. According to Wookieepedia, the Elom are aliens that look like Chewbacca if he had a crab face, and live in “frozen grottos” on their titular home world. a big cooperative mission zone) set on planet Elom. Not to mention there’s a new Flashpoint (i.e.

the old republic level cap

I do understand the level cap jump from 75 to 80, though. I actually enjoyed the game a fair bit back in 2012, and I continue to hear great things about the story in particular, but haven’t had as much time to make for true MMOs since. Many of the details in the game’s latest press release mean little to a SWTOR layperson like myself. Now this nearly 10 year old starship is circling back for yet another run with the Legacy of the Sith expansion. I assume so because the game finally received another major content drop, Onslaught, in 2019. Though like most quietly prosperous MMOs, the game kept plucking away with free updates that I assume many players must have enjoyed. After a good run of yearly DLC, there were no big, named expansions for nearly three years after Knights of the Eternal Throne add-on. There was a time that Star Wars: The Old Republicfelt like it had fallen off the face of this or any other galaxy.

The old republic level cap