Step 3: Start the game up and you will see the game runs considerably smoother. To do this, just go to the guide menu select Skyrim and quit the game. Since it's a specific mod that will actually change the files in which the game runs, the game will need to be restarted. Step 2: Once that's downloaded, apply the mod. It was an achievement where you get a house in Raven Rock and it still popped while playing with a higher frame rate. I tried this last night with an achievement just to see if it would work and it did. Enderal is a new game based on the engine of Skyrim, made by modders over the course of a few years. Even though Enderal is one of the most complete mods on this list, it takes one of the higher spots mainly because it isn't a quest mod per se, but rather an entirely different game. Achievements Mods Enabler is a mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, created by xSHADOWMANx. If you're on console, you have to choose between mods or achievements. The achievement enabler mod is PC only, since it requires file-fiddling to work. How To Install Achievements MODs Enabler for Skyrim SE PC Only Remember To Like, Share & Comment On My Videos:) Subscribe Here. How to enable achievements with Mods If you like using the Bethesda mods section of this game, there is a simple fix that enables achievements while using mods just put the files in the Root folder (SteamSteamAppsCommonSkyrim Special Edition). Content of the article: 'You can still use the Uncapped FPS Mod in Skyrim and still earn achievements! Here's how…'